Popular Grocery Chain Is Opening 20 New Locations

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The company will add 20 new stores in 2021. The firm runs 362 locations in 23 states with more than 19,000 natural and organic items.

Sprouts expanded 22 locations last year despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

The chain's CEO indicated on Feb. 25 that certain new stores will have a different concept.

"Most will have a 25,000-square-foot smaller footprint, improving box economics as they develop," he said.

News reports that half of the 20 new Sprouts outlets will be in Florida. California, Georgia, and Texas each get two shops; Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada get one.

Sprouts will add more shops in California, Florida, and Texas this year, its chief format officer said.

"We're pleased to unveil our newest format in four locations in the second half of 2020 and hope to include it in even more places next year when we expand by 10% or more."

This isn't the first supermarket to make changes. Aldi's 5 New Changes Costco may soon provide this convenient service.

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