Most Craveable Fast Food Burger America


Half of fast-food chains offer burgers. But just because burgers are so popular doesn't imply every brand produces a great one.

Technomic performed a poll to determine what makes a burger craveable vs ordinary.

The chain asked fast-food consumers to evaluate burgers based on craveability. Despite all the new kids on the block, America's palette still loves old favourites.

Business, customers evaluated the craveability of the chain's burger at 54.4%, citing the char on the burger patties and the Whopper as their go-to menu item.

Krystal, which is making a comeback, ranked second with a 61.2% craveability rate.

Mini burgers are what bring customers to the company, not bigger bites. Steaming tenderises the slider-sized burgers.

The winner serves slider-sized burgers. White Castle is America's oldest fast-food brand, but that doesn't mean it's outdated.

72.4 percent of consumers chose White Castle's mini square burgers as the most craveable. White Castle steams its burger patties over chopped onions.

Underneath the burger patties, onions help steam and flavour the meat. When onions are heated, they emit a lot of steam.

To maximise steam cooking, the burger patties have holes in them. The onion flavour infuses the meat and bread when the buns are added.

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