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McDonald's Adds a New Snack Wrap

McDonald's must satisfy franchise owners and US customers. That's why the chain's changes aren't always popular with customers.

Because franchisees didn't appreciate how it complicated manufacturing, it didn't bring back All-Day Breakfast, which consumers adore. 

McDonald's had to negotiate with franchise owners to upgrade its shops and switch to digital ordering, which helped company survive the epidemic.

When it comes to labor-intensive items, owners may not buy in. Snack Wrap production differs from the rest of the kitchen. When sales slowed, franchisees resisted that.

Even if McDonald's consumers want the Snack Wrap line back, it's doubtful. 

American consumers may agitate for the line, but they're unlikely to obtain the iconic Snack Wraps or the recent extension on US menus.

Snack Wraps were meant to be snacks. It was supposed to boost sales at non-mealtimes.

Breakfast Snack Wraps might cover a similar gap. People who have coffee at McDonald's may prefer something other than a breakfast sandwich.

It's a basic idea and a natural line expansion that fits American morning habits. The chain may ignore requests to introduce the grab-and-go, eat-in-the-car offering to the US.

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