If people just assume you're together out of sympathy or beer goggles, dump him. You can probably do better, and his personality won't compensate.
baby Jesus test
I think a religious guy is dangerous. Simple test. Ask him how religion affects women's intimate relationships, place, and choice.
fedora couture test
The "Fedora neckbeard" is another awful style I've picked up during my dating years. Poorly washed T-shirts, anime fandom pins, and fedora hats define this aesthetic.
Pepé Le Pew test
A bad match smells like Pepé Le Pew and won't accept no. If he resembles your favorite cartoon skunk, pass him up and suggest he meet his own Fifi La Fume.
alpha male test
Another thing I've found is that the worst relationship partners need to be powerful "alpha" guys and often have the sickeningly messed-up belief that the
only way to be "alpha" is to dominate, control, and use women. So I created the Alpha Male test.
cheese and whine test
I discovered that guys who say clichéd lines and complain about being unfair are the worst to date. Cheesy sentences and complaining fail.
F-boy couture test
Is half his dating profile shirtless? Probably an f-boy if he dresses like one. Especially if he spends on Hood by Air but doesn't live alone.
Doberman test
Listen carefully to your boyfriend. Can it outsmart the neighborhood dog? You're good if he's smarter than a Doberman. If the dog is smarter than him, date it.