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How To Clean Makeup Brushes At Home

Step 1: Wet the bristles 

While avoiding the ferrule and handle, run the bristles of your cosmetics brush under lukewarm water. 

Step 2: Add cleanser

Dip your brush into a little quantity of makeup brush cleaner, gently twisting the brush-head to ensure all bristles are coated.

However, don't submerge the handle in water because the adhesive that holds the bristles in place can melt.

If the handle is looking a little grimy, grab some excellent wipes - they'll do the job swiftly and neatly! 

Step 3: Rinse

Continue to avoid wetting the handle and ferrule by running the bristles under water with the makeup brush head facing downward.

If the water coming from the bristles is colored, repeat steps 2 and 3 until the water runs clean. 

Step 4: Buh-bye excess water 

Squeeze out the excess washing liquid with the bristles facing down. This will protect your brush hairs and keep them in their natural shape and condition. 

Step 5: Let air-dry 

Allow your makeup brushes to dry by placing them flat on a towel for 6 to 12 hours—ideally overnight! 

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