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How To Become Makeup Artist In Bitlife

After high school, you can become an Apprentice Makeup Artist in Bitlife and later a full-fledged one. If available, click Apprentice Makeup Artist under Jobs to schedule interviews.

How to Become a Social Media Star in Bitlife

Get 1 million social media followers in Bitlife to become a social media star.

Go to Activities, then Social Media, to create a social media account for your character. 

How to Promote Products on Social Media in Bitlife

Bitlife allows you to advertise things on social media by selecting Activities, Social Media, your account, and advertise.

To promote the products, click Accept the Offer after choosing the option. You can promote unlimited products every year.

How to Get a Nose Job in Bitlife

Bitlife's nose job is under Activities, then Plastic Surgery. Select a procedure, choose a doctor, and pay for it under the Plastic Surgery tab.

Tummy Tuck and Penis Enlargement Surgery will precede the nose job.

How to Get Botox in Bitlife

Botox, like the Nose Job, may be done on Bitlife by selecting Plastic Surgery from the Activities menu.

After that, you can choose Botox, choose a doctor, and pay for the procedure.

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