With its crepey skin, the forehead, your most simple face, shows the earliest indications of aging. Looking in the mirror may not reveal this.
However, moving your eyebrows and playing with the skin around this area may affect its texture, especially after 30. This is another indicator of aging skin that needs prompt attention.
Everyone dislikes turkey neck, but it starts aging. The neck presents the first indications of aging due to perspiration, sunshine, and neglect.
Check your neck instead of your face in the mirror for a different outcome. If chosen at the correct moment, various neck crepey skin treatments exist.
Another body feature that ages quickly is the hands. Triceps and palms exhibit the earliest indications of aging skin on your hands.
Creams and moisturizers can be administered early to prevent hand aging. If it doesn't work, try hand exercises.
Have you noticed your knees' thick, loose skin? It exhibits the earliest indications of aging. Take great care of your knees and skin, especially after 30.
Fine lines and creases on the knees indicate aging skin. One of the easiest methods to reduce knee aging is to massage it using body oils.
Women initially see aging on their breasts. A sagging breast is soft and loose. Its skin gets crepey and your bra size may fluctuate.
Start with home cures, then breast-firming lotions and oils. The skin around this is sensitive; see a dermatologist if in question.