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Effortless Easy DIY Top Knot Tutorials

Voluminous Crimped Donut Bun

1. Detangle your hair gently with a comb and crimp it from the crown to the tips with a crimper.

2. Pull your hair back carefully and knot it into a high ponytail. Use an elastic band to secure it. Insert the ponytail inside the doughnut and secure it at the base.

3. Wrap a section of ponytail hair around the doughnut. Bobby pin the ends of the doughnut together at the base. Tease your hair using your fingers to give the bun a voluminous appearance.

Faux Bang Top Knot

1. Hair should be combed. An elastic band can be used to secure a high ponytail. Cut the ponytail in half.

2. Pull the crown section of the crown over the brow like bangs. Bobby pin it in place.

3. Tuck all hair into the ponytail foundation and twist and wrap it. The bun should be u-pinned. The bangs should be flat ironed and hairsprayed.

Loose Messy Top Knot

1. Brush your hair and let it dry. This provides dimension and texture. Make a high ponytail at the crown of your head.

2. Apply an elastic band to the ponytail. Twist it again and slip it halfway through your hair, leaving the ends out.

3. Make your hair messy by pulling it loose everywhere. Pancake the bread to make it flare. Finish by tying down any stray hair.

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