1. After applying the base coat, wait for it to completely dry.
2. Choose two different colors of nail polish, one to use as the base and the other to use for the dots. After applying the base color, allow it to dry completely.
3. Create dots on your nails by dipping the tip of a toothpick or a dotting tool into the second color and applying it to your nails.
Striped Nails:
1. After applying the base coat, wait for it to dry. Choose two nail polish hues that contrast with one another.
2. If you want to make stripes on your nails, you can use striping tape or thin scotch tape. You can lay the tape out in a diagonal, vertical, or horizontal pattern.
3. After the first color has dried for a few seconds, apply the second color on top of the tape.
Gradient Nails:
1. After applying the base coat, wait for it to dry. Choose two or three hues of nail paint that go together really well.
2. Utilizing a makeup sponge, paint the colors chosen in close proximity to one another on the makeup sponge.
3. To produce a gradient look on your nails, lightly dab the sponge onto your nails and roll it around in a circular motion.
4. Make use of a brush that has been dipped in nail polish remover in order to remove any extra polish from around the nails.