Dunkin' Fans Are Outraged By Coffee Chain's Changes

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Longtime consumers threatening a boycott is terrible, particularly if they perceive their caffeine privileges are being taken away.

The cheaper-than-Starbucks Dunkin' announced big modifications to its DD Perks programme last week.

DD Perks gave app-using consumers five points per dollar, which could equal a free drink for 200 points. Members also liked complimentary birthday drinks and other perks.

Now, Dunkin' offers a new Rewards Program, replacing DD Perks. Dunkin' tweeted that the change was prompted by "members' input" and

would allow them to redeem points for food and beverages. Regulars quickly realised the new deals are worse and more pricey.

Members may earn 10 points every dollar, but a complimentary drink costs 500 to 900 points. Birthday drinks? Customers' patience is gone.

"Interesting way to say 'We've devalued our rewards system, good luck,'" said one customer. Others called it "total degeneration" and a selfish strategy to save money in a falling economy.

In a news statement, Dunkin's president said, "When improving DD Perks, we asked members what they wanted. Flexibility, diversity, and recognition were emphasised.

Dunkin' hasn't replied to the criticism of its new Rewards Program yet. Many consumers say they'll go to expensive Starbucks or brew their own coffee at home.

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