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DIY Makeup Remover

What You Need

Organic, unrefined coconut oil

Step 1

Take a small amount of coconut oil from the jar using a spoon or scoop. If the oil is solid, you can melt it by rubbing it between your palms until it becomes liquid.

Step 2

Spread the oil throughout your entire face, paying special attention to your eyelids and lashes.

Check that there is sufficient oil so that you can move your fingers around easily without causing your skin to pull or stretch.

Step 3

Use a moist wipe to remove the excess oil and makeup off your face.

Step 4

You should wash your face with a cleanser after you splash it with some warm water. Voila! You're done.

useful tip

If you want to boost the blood circulation in your skin, one fantastic technique to do it is to massage oil into your skin in a circular motion.

You can give your face a massage whenever you believe that your skin could benefit from having some downtime.

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