First and foremost. Moisturizers keep water from evaporating by renewing the skin's outer layer.
After showering, use men's dry skin moisturizer. Using a moisturizer today locks in the maximum moisture, keeping your skin healthy.
2. stay hydrated
Because water makes up 70% of the human body, drinking water is the solution to many of its problems.
Skin water loss results in flaky, dry skin. Every day, your body need 8 glasses of water to replenish moisture lost via evaporation.
3. exfoliation
Exfoliating is the most effective way to eliminate flaky skin. This improves blood circulation and nutrient absorption, resulting in a healthy glow on your face.
4. take right shower
Avoid taking a shower with hot water. Instead, take a shorter shower with warm water. Warm water maintains skin oils better.
5. cover up
Wear appropriate clothing in cold and windy situations to stay warm and protect your skin. In really cold weather, wear a scarf and a hat to keep the cold air out.
6. get rid of soap
That soap should be discarded. It's making your skin dry and ashy, so get rid of it.
7. Avoid fragrance washes
Ingredients in your body wash may irritate skin, particularly dry or cracked skin. It is preferable to use a gentle body wash with minimal irritants.