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7 Skincare Tips For Every College Students

1. Use Sunscreen When Facing the Sun

Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. Sunlight is damaging to the skin, causing tan and black patches. 

2. Make Use of Gentle Skin Cleansers

Use gentle cleansers on your face and body. Select a mild body and face cleanser. Choose chemical-free, environmentally friendly skin care. 

3. Use little makeup

The right cosmetics are used to enhance OOTDs. However, aside from special occasions, college life may not necessitate elaborate or aggressive makeup.

If you require makeup, stick to a good moisturizer, BB cream, compact, kajal, and lip balm. You can afford these cosmetics. Look for inexpensive, skin-friendly cosmetics.

4. Completely Remove Makeup

Makeup can hide blemishes, but too much can be harmful to your skin. Cosmetic chemicals can clog pores and create other skin problems.

5. Make use of under-eye creams

Our eyes are pretty delicate. Before going to bed, apply a mild eye cream on it. As previously said, it slows the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Scrub the Skin

A gentle exfoliant is used to exfoliate dead skin cells from your body. To avoid irritation, use a skin-friendly loofah or brush. After exfoliating, moisten the skin.

7. Eat a Balanced Diet

This term and phenomenon are not overstated. Avoid junk food whenever feasible (unless on cheat days). Consume protein and leafy vegetables.

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