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6 Simple Steps To Get The Perfect Eyebrows

step 1: Ice Cubes Reduce Pain

Tweezing eyebrows hurts. If you practice, your pain tolerance may rise. My experience. Wipe the eyebrows with a warm, damp cloth.

This opens pores and removes hair quickly. To avoid discomfort when pulling hair, use an ice cube. Do either, but not both.

step 2: See Diagram

Take a pencil for eyebrows and draw the eyebrow. Now you can pull out the hairs at the sides of the eyebrow or any stray hairs by following the shape drawn.

Another approach to trace the precise arch is to highlight the hairs you wish to pluck with a white eyeliner pencil.

step 3: Tweeze Eyebrows

Tweeze all stray hairs between the brows and ears. Tweeze hairs below the eyebrow in the direction of growth.

An eyebrow razor can make the process less uncomfortable. To avoid ingrown hairs, gently scrape undesirable hair in the same direction.

Apply aloe gel on skin and brows after plucking or cutting. This immediately soothes inflammation.

step 4: Draw Perfect Eyebrows

After all that labor, check the shapes in a mirror. Draw correctly and tweeze when following an eyebrow.

step 5: Avoid Overtweezing

Avoid over-tweezing. If you have a strong nose and jawline, choose softer arches to avoid looking fake.

High-arched eyebrows suit oval faces with gentle features, but don't over-tweeze! Less is preferable.

step 6: Dark Brown Eyebrow Pencil Lines

For properly sculpted eyebrows, use a dark brown eyebrow pencil to fill in any overplucking.

Even though Indians have black hair, dark brown eyebrow pencils are ideal. They're awkward.

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