Both pleasure and business tourists like to travel on these days, which means that demand is high and prices might go up.
Airports tend to be very busy around big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Independence Day, so try to avoid going on or around those days.
Business visitors often choose these times, which can lead to crowds and possibly higher ticket prices.
Flights that leave between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. and land between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. can mess up sleep plans and make people tired and inconvenient.
Flight delays and cancellations are more likely when it snows a lot or when storm season is going on.
Even though it seems illogical, the first flight of the day can be risky because the plane may still be coming in from its last location.
Like the first flight, the last flight of the day might be late if problems happen with earlier planes.
Most people think that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to fly because they are less busy than weekends and Mondays.
Airports can get crowded when college students come back from spring break.
If you're going to a city that's having a big event or meeting, planes may be busier and hotels may cost more.
Even though overnight trips might seem like a good idea, they can mess up your sleep schedule and make you tired when you get there.